Lucifer - Webshop case | Komma  

Discover the World of Specialty Coffee

Only 1% of the world's coffee production reaches the exclusive level of Specialty Coffee – a level that Lucifer Coffee Roasters embraces with passion and craftsmanship. It is our task to create an online experience that reflects the exceptional quality of their coffee.

Research and blueprint

Before developing the webshop, we delved into the brand to fully capture the atmosphere and tone of voice. Then we began the blueprint phase: the functional design of the website.

Moodboard lucifer

Usability and Aesthetics

At every step of the process, we paid attention to detail, usability, and aesthetics. This way, we created a webshop that not only converts but also seamlessly fits into the experience of the visitors.

webshop lucifer
ecommerce lucifer

Zij weten alles van Lucifer Coffee Roasters


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